Τα ντοκιμαντέρ παίζουν σημαντικό ρόλο στην εκπαίδευση και την ανάπτυξη των παιδιών στο Δημοτικό. Η χρήση των ντοκιμαντέρ στην εκπαίδευση έχει πολλά οφέλη και προσφέρει μια πλούσια εκπαιδευτική εμπειρία για τους μαθητές και τις μαθήτριες. Ακολουθούν μερικά λόγια για την αξία του ντοκιμαντέρ:
Εμπειρία Πραγματικότητας: Τα ντοκιμαντέρ παρουσιάζουν πραγματικές ιστορίες, γεγονότα και καταστάσεις. Αυτό βοηθά τα παιδιά να αντιληφθούν και να κατανοήσουν τον κόσμο γύρω τους με πιο βαθιά και συναισθηματική προοπτική.
Ενίσχυση Κριτικής Σκέψης: Η παρακολούθηση των ντοκιμαντέρ απαιτεί από τους μαθητές και τις μαθήτριες να αναλύσουν τις πληροφορίες, να εξετάσουν διάφορες πλευρές ενός θέματος και να σχηματίσουν τις δικές τους απόψεις. Αυτό τους/τις ενθαρρύνει να αναπτύξουν κριτική σκέψη και να εργάζονται με πληροφορίες.
Ενδυνάμωση της Μάθησης: Τα οπτικοακουστικά μέσα, όπως τα ντοκιμαντέρ, καταφέρνουν να κρατήσουν το ενδιαφέρον των παιδιών πιο εύκολα από το κείμενο. Οι εικόνες, τα ήχους και οι συναισθηματικές αντιδράσεις προσθέτουν στοιχεία που εμπλουτίζουν τη μάθηση.
Πολυποικιλία Θεμάτων: Τα ντοκιμαντέρ καλύπτουν μια ευρεία γκάμα θεμάτων, από φύση και επιστήμη μέχρι ιστορία, πολιτισμό και κοινωνικά θέματα. Αυτό επιτρέπει στα παιδιά να εξερευνούν διάφορους τομείς και να εμβαθύνουν σε αυτά που τους ενδιαφέρουν περισσότερο.
Ενσωμάτωση Τεχνολογίας: Τα ντοκιμαντέρ μπορούν να ενσωματωθούν με τη χρήση τεχνολογίας στην εκπαιδευτική διαδικασία. Οι μαθητές μπορούν να παρακολουθούν ντοκιμαντέρ μέσω διαδικτύου ή να δημιουργούν τα δικά τους μικρά ντοκιμαντέρ.
Συνολικά, τα ντοκιμαντέρ στο δημοτικό προσφέρουν μια διασκεδαστική και εκπαιδευτική εμπειρία, βοηθώντας τα παιδιά να εξερευνήσουν τον κόσμο γύρω τους, να αναπτύξουν το ενδιαφέρον τους και να βελτιώσουν τις δεξιότητές τους στην ανάλυση και την κριτική σκέψη.
Το εκπαιδευτικό ντοκιμαντέρ στη σημερινή εποχή ανήκει στο υβριδικό υποείδος του infotainment, το οποίο αποτελεί σύζευξη του εκπαιδευτικού και ενημερωτικού ντοκιμαντέρ που άνθισε από το 1960 έως το 1980 και του τηλεοπτικού ντοκιμαντέρ που ακολουθούσε τη δομή και τη μορφή των υπόλοιπων ευχάριστων και διασκεδαστικών τηλεοπτικών εκπομπών.
Εδώ θα βρεις πάνω από 200 ντοκιμαντέρ με διαφορετική θεματολογία.
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Θεματικά ντοκιμαντέρ
Ντοκιμαντέρ στα αγγλικά
- Bridging World History 17 Ideas Shape the World
- Bridging World History 18 Rethinking The Rise of the West
- Bridging World History 19 Global Industrialization
- Bridging World History 20 Imperial Designs
- Bridging World History 21 Colonial Identities
- Bridging World History 22 Global War and Peace
- Bridging World History 23 People Shape the World
- Bridging World History 24 Globalization and Economics
- Bridging World History 25 Global Popular Culture
- Bridging World History 26 World History and Identity
- Earth Revealed 01 Down to Earth
- Earth Revealed 02 The Restless Planet
- Earth Revealed 03 Earths Interior
- Earth Revealed 04 The Sea Floor
- Earth Revealed 05 The Birth of a Theory
- Earth Revealed 06 Plate Dynamics
- Earth Revealed 07 Mountain Building and the Growth of Continents
- Earth Revealed 08 Earths Structures
- Earth Revealed 09 Earthquakes
- Earth Revealed 10 Geologic Time
- Earth Revealed 11 Evolution through Time
- Earth Revealed 12 Minerals The Materials of Earth
- Earth Revealed 13 Volcanism
- Earth Revealed 14 Intrusive Igneous Rocks
- Earth Revealed 15 Weathering and Soils
- Earth Revealed 16 Mass Wasting
- Earth Revealed 17 Sedimentary Rocks The Key to Past Environments
- Earth Revealed 18 Metamorphic Rock
- Earth Revealed 19 Running Water Part 1 Erosion and Deposition
- Earth Revealed 20 Running Water Part 2 Landscape Evolution
- Earth Revealed 21 Ground Water
- Earth Revealed 22 Wind Dust and Deserts
- Earth Revealed 23 Glaciers
- Earth Revealed 24 Waves Beaches and Coasts
- Earth Revealed 25 Living With the Earth Part 1 Loma Prieta
- Earth Revealed 26 Living With the Earth Part 2 Preserving the Legacy
- Fabric Cosmos 1 What is Space
- Fabric Cosmos 2 The Illusion of Time
- Fabric Cosmos 3 Quantum Leap
- Fabric Cosmos 4 Universe or Multiverse
- 01 Many Planets One Earth
- 02 Atmosphere
- 03 Oceans
- 04 Ecosystems
- 05 Human Population Dynamics
- 06 Risk Exposure and Health
- 07 Agriculture
- 08 Water Resources
- 09 Biodiversity Decline
- 10 Energy Challenges
- 11 Atmospheric Pollution
- 12 Earths Changing Climate
- 13 Looking Forward Our Global Experiment
- 01 Genomics
- 02 Proteins and Proteomics
- 03 Evolution and Phylogenetics
- 04 Microbial Diversity
- 05 Emerging Infectious Diseases
- 06 HIV and AIDS
- 07 Genetics of Development
- 08 Cell Biology and Cancer
- 09 Human Evolution
- 10 Neurobiology
- 11 Biology of Sex and Gender
- 12 Biodiversity
- 13 Genetically Modified Organisms
- Unseen Life on Earth 01 The Microbial Universe
- Unseen Life on Earth 02 The Unity of Living Systems
- Unseen Life on Earth 03 Metabolism
- Unseen Life on Earth 04 Reading the Code of Life
- Unseen Life on Earth 05 Genetic Transfer
- Unseen Life on Earth 06 Microbial Evolution
- Unseen Life on Earth 07 Microbial Diversity
- Unseen Life on Earth 08 Microbial Ecology
- Unseen Life on Earth 09 Microbial Control
- Unseen Life on Earth 10 Microbial Interactions
- Unseen Life on Earth 11 Human Defenses
- Unseen Life on Earth 12 Microbes and Human Diseases
- The Mechanical Universe 01 The Mechanical Universe
- The Mechanical Universe 02 The Law of Falling Bodies
- The Mechanical Universe 03 Derivatives
- The Mechanical Universe 04 Inertia
- The Mechanical Universe 05 Vectors
- The Mechanical Universe 06 Newton's Laws
- The Mechanical Universe 07 Integration
- The Mechanical Universe 08 The Apple and the Moon
- The Mechanical Universe 09 Moving in Circles
- The Mechanical Universe 10 Fundamental Forces
- The Mechanical Universe 11 Gravity Electricity Magnetism
- The Mechanical Universe 12 The Millikan Experiment
- The Mechanical Universe 13 Conservation of Energy
- The Mechanical Universe 14 Potential Energy
- The Mechanical Universe 15 Conservation of Momentum
- The Mechanical Universe 16 Harmonic Motion
- The Mechanical Universe 17 Resonance
- The Mechanical Universe 18 Waves
- The Mechanical Universe 19 Angular Momentum
- The Mechanical Universe 20 Torques and Gyroscopes
- The Mechanical Universe 21 Kepler's Three Laws
- The Mechanical Universe 22 The Kepler Problem
- The Mechanical Universe 23 Energy and Eccentricity
- The Mechanical Universe 24 Navigating in Space
- The Mechanical Universe 25 From Kepler to Einstein
- The Mechanical Universe 26 Harmony of the Spheres
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 27 The Mechanical Universe ... and Beyond
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 28 Static Electricity
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 29 The Electric Field
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 30 Capacitance and Potential
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 31 Voltage Energy and Force
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 32 The Electric Battery
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 33 Electric Circuits
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 34 Magnetism
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 35 The Magnetic Field
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 36 Vector Fields and Hydrodynamics
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 37 Electromagnetic Induction
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 36 Vector Fields and Hydrodynamics
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 37 Electromagnetic Induction
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 38 Alternating Current
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 39 Maxwell's Equations
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 40 Optics
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 41 The Michelson-Morley Experiment
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 42 The Lorentz Transformation
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 43 Velocity and Time
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 44 Energy Momentum and Mass
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 45 Temperature and the Gas Law
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 46 The Engine of Nature
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 47 Entropy
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 48 Low Temperatures
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 49 The Atom
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 50 Particles And Waves
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 51 Atoms to Quarks
- The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 52 The Quantum Mechanical Universe
- World of Chemistry 02 Color
- World of Chemistry 01 World of Chemistry
- World of Chemistry 03 Measurement the Foundation of Chemistry
- World of Chemistry 04 Modeling the Unseen
- World of Chemistry 05 A Matter of State
- World of Chemistry 06 The Atom
- World of Chemistry 07 The Periodic Table
- World of Chemistry 08 Chemical Bonds
- World of Chemistry 09 Molecular Architecture
- World of Chemistry 10 Signals from Within
- World of Chemistry 11 The Mole
- World of Chemistry 12 Water
- World of Chemistry 13 The Driving Forces
- World of Chemistry 14 Molecules in Action
- World of Chemistry 15 The Busy Electron
- World of Chemistry 16 The Proton in Chemistry
- World of Chemistry 17 The Precious Envelope
- World of Chemistry 18 The Chemistry of Earth
- World of Chemistry 19 Metals
- World of Chemistry 20 On the Surface
- World of Chemistry 21 Carbon
- World of Chemistry 22 The Age of Polymers
- World of Chemistry 23 Proteins Structure and Function
- World of Chemistry 24 The Genetic Code
- World of Chemistry 25 Chemistry and the Environment
- World of Chemistry 26 Futures
- Art of the Western World 09 In Our Own Time
- Art of the Western World 08 Into the 20th Century
- Art of the Western World 07 Impressionism and Post Impressionism
- Art of the Western World 06 An Age of Reason an Age of Passion
- Art of the Western World 05 Realms of Light The Baroque
- Art of the Western World 04 The High Renaissance
- Art of the Western World 03 The Early Renaissance
- Art of the Western World 02 Romanesque and Gothic Art
- Art of the Western World 01 The Classical Ideal
- Rediscovering Biology 13 Genetically Modified Organisms
- Rediscovering Biology 12 Biodiversity
- Rediscovering Biology 11 Biology of Sex and Gender
- Rediscovering Biology 10 Neurobiology
- Rediscovering Biology 09 Human Evolution
- Rediscovering Biology 08 Cell Biology and Cancer
- Rediscovering Biology 07 Genetics of Development
- Rediscovering Biology 06 HIV and AIDS
- Rediscovering Biology 05 Emerging Infectious Diseases
- Rediscovering Biology 04 Microbial Diversity
- Rediscovering Biology 03 Evolution and Phylogenetics
- Rediscovering Biology 02 Proteins and Proteomics
- Rediscovering Biology 01 Genomics
- BWH 09 Connections Across Land
- BWH 10 Connections Across Water
- BWH 11 Early Empires
- BWH 12 Transmission of Traditions
- BWH 13 Family and Household
- BWH 14 Land and Labor Relationships
- BWH 15 Early Global Commodities
- BWH 16 Food Demographics and Culture
- BWH 17 Ideas Shape the World
- BWH 18 Rethinking The Rise of the West
- BWH 19 Global Industrialization
- BWH 20 Imperial Designs
- BWH 21 Colonial Identities
- BWH 22 Global War and Peace
- BWH 23 People Shape the World
- BWH 24 Globalization and Economics
- BWH 25 Global Popular Culture
- BWH 26 World History and Identity
- BWH 08 Early Economies
- BWH 07 The Spread of Religions
- BWH 06 Order and Early Societies
- BWH 05 Early Belief Systems
- BWH 04 Agricultural and Urban Revolutions
- BWH 03 Human Migrations
- BWH 02 History and Memory
- BWH 01 Maps Time and World History
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- Empires - Napoleon - Part 2 of 4 - Mastering Luck
- Empires - Napoleon - Part 1 of 4 - To Destiny
- Empires - Japan - Memoirs of a Secret Empire - Part 3 - Return of the Barbarians
- Empires - Japan - Memoirs of a Secret Empire - Part 2 - Will of the Shogun
- Empires - Japan - Memoirs of a Secret Empire - Part 1 - Way of the Samurai
- Empires - Egypt's Golden Empire - Part 3 of 3 - The Last Great Pharaoh
- Empires - Egypt's Golden Empire - Part 2 of 3 - The Pharaohs of the Sun
- Empires - Egypt's Golden Empire - Part 1 of 3 - The Warrior Pharaohs
- Eclipse Over America
- Earth from Above - Patterned Planet
- Decoding da Vinci (2019)
- Creatures of Light
- Cracking the Maya Code
- Building the Great Cathedrals
- Building Pharaoh's Ship (2010)
- Bird Brain
- B-29 - Frozen in Time
- At the Edge of Space
- Arctic Passage, Ice Survivors
- Antarctica, Earth's Last Frontier
- Ancient Invisible Cities
- Ancient Invisible Cities - Cairo
- Ancient Invisible Cities - Athens
- Ocean Stories 3 - Dolphins and Whales